These are made from the same grade and color leather that is used to make Hermes handbags. These handbags sell for over $5000! Our straps are not authentic Hermes products, but made in the same style as their quality fashion products. As you would expect, it is the highest grade of calf that is pre-shrunk and dyed in stunning colors to the highest standards! They are very thick and durable yet supple! Look at the unique texture in the calf! Available in the following sizes: 26/22 for 45 &47 mm Panerai watches in standard length 120/75, These will fit the Panerai PAM 190 8 day, PAM 197 Rose Gold 8 day, Radiomir Base & Black Seals, PAM 187 & 194 Subzilla's and others. Email or call us and we will verify the correct size for your watch. These straps are 26 mm at the lugs and taper to 22 mm at the buckle. Priced $125 ($140 with Pre V buckle). If you need a buckle for these straps I have several to offer (details and pictures in the accessory section of this site): 1) Heavy duty thumbnail style pushpin buckle: $15 2) Heavy duty thumbnail style screw in buckle (looks like OEM): $39 3) Pre V style buckle in brushed stainless, polished stainless or PVD: $15 If you dont have a HERMES style strap... you should! *** To purchase a strap or ask a question, please email me at Please add $10 for insured US Priority shipping, $38 for USPS Express international shipping ($18 for USPS international Priority).*** Watches 24 Seven, LLC is not an authorized seller or affiliated with Hermes in any way. Thank you.
These are made from the same grade and color leather that is used to make Hermes handbags. These handbags sell for over $5000! Our straps are not authentic Hermes products, but made in the same style as their quality fashion products. As you would expect, it is the highest grade of calf that is pre-shrunk and dyed in stunning colors to the highest standards! They are very thick and durable yet supple! Look at the unique texture in the calf! Available in the following sizes: 26/22 for 45 &47 mm Panerai watches in standard length 120/75, These will fit the Panerai PAM 190 8 day, PAM 197 Rose Gold 8 day, Radiomir Base & Black Seals, PAM 187 & 194 Subzilla's and others. Email or call us and we will verify the correct size for your watch. These straps are 26 mm at the lugs and taper to 22 mm at the buckle. Priced $125 ($140 with Pre V buckle). If you need a buckle for these straps I have several to offer (details and pictures in the accessory section of this site): 1) Heavy duty thumbnail style pushpin buckle: $15 2) Heavy duty thumbnail style screw in buckle (looks like OEM): $39 3) Pre V style buckle in brushed stainless, polished stainless or PVD: $15 If you dont have a HERMES style strap... you should! *** To purchase a strap or ask a question, please email me at Please add $10 for insured US Priority shipping, $38 for USPS Express international shipping ($18 for USPS international Priority).*** Watches 24 Seven, LLC is not an authorized seller or affiliated with Hermes in any way. Thank you.